Maryann Cacciaglia

Maryann Cacciaglia
Board Liaison to the Nominating Committee
Unity of Traverse City

Click Here for Full Bio

Over 40 years ago, I learned of Unity when I was part of a 12-step program. I attended Jack Boland’s Church of Today and became an avid reader of Unity publications and books.  Daily Word was my constant companion.  When I moved to Traverse City in 1982, I located a study group based on Unity principles which was in the process of incorporating as a church.  I was fortunate to become one of the founding members of Unity of Traverse City.  


For the past 10 years, I have served as a Prayer Chaplain, usher/greeter, and facilitator/participant in numerous book studies and discussions. My passion for all animals, and the teachings of Charles Fillmore which addresses our relationship to them, lead me to organize the Compassionate Choices group here at Unity. I care deeply about all beings, human and non-human, and want to help bring a message of peace and healing to my community.


Unity is my spiritual home.  Prayer and meditation are central to my life. Like others, I strive to live Truth principles each day to the best of my understanding.  As a member of the Board, my intention and hope is to serve this church family and to spread our message of spiritual awakening and transformation to the community at large.