Your financial gifts contributed throughout the year and at year-end support our many programs, events and activities. These include our Sunday celebration and special holiday services, classes, youth & family activities, maintenance and upkeep of our beautiful buildings and grounds, and volunteer activities throughout our spiritual and local communities.
In addition, remembering us in your will helps to insure the long-term legacy of the difference we are making in the world.
We thank you for your continued support and invite you to join with us in affirming our Prosperity Prayer:
God is my source, and I give generously of my abundance in all forms. I live a consciousness of prosperity, and I joyfully step into the flow of giving and receiving. I believe that every moment offers a gift, one to give or one to receive. I give thanks for the prosperity in my life, and celebrate the unlimited possibilities present in every moment. And so it is, amen.
Member Managed Donations Online - PayPal
You can give a one-time gift or set up recurring gifts with your credit or debit card. Use the Donate button at the bottom of the page. Or you can give directly through your PayPal account at PayPal.Me/UnityTraverseCity. You will be guided to a secured PayPal site with step by step instructions provided.
Scrip Fundraising
Orders are taken on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, with sign-up sheets and payment options provided on the Scrip table in the Fellowship Hall.
There are over 750 diverse participating vendors in the program from whom gift cards can be purchased. Not only can you use them for personal purchases, they also make great birthday presents, anniversary gifts, etc. Click here for a full listing of participating vendors and the rebates they offer. Scroll to the bottom of the Scrip page and click on Retailer List under Quick Links. In addition, Scrip vendors often offer special bonus rebate offers, which increase the amount of the rebate received by the church. When available, they are posted on the Scrip bulletin board in the church hallway.
We appreciate your participation in the program and your generosity in supporting this easy-to-use fundraiser on behalf of the ministry!
Church Managed Donations
Transactions scheduled by you with a credit or debit card to automatically transfer funds to the church on the date of your choosing each month.
Please be sure to contact the church if your credit card expires, 231-938-9587.
You can set up an automatic transfer or change an existing transfer with this form. We will do the rest. Please download the form, fill it out completely, and return it to the church office or drop it in the offering bag on Sunday.
Automatic Bank Pay
Systematically give through your checking or savings account. Simply log onto your personal bank account and follow the instructions to set up Unity of Traverse City as a new payee.
In Person or Mail (Cash or Check)
You may give your contribution during the offering segment of our Sunday services. You are also welcome to bring your contribution to the church office during regular business hours. In addition, you can place your contribution in the lock box located in the main hallway of the church, or place it in the mail to: Unity of Traverse City, 3600 Five Mile Road, Traverse City, MI, 49686.
Gifts of Stock
Gifts of stock are always welcome and appreciated. Please call the church office at 231-938-9587 to let us know if you are planning to offer a stock gift to the church. We will provide the necessary transfer information to you and/or your broker.
Gifts of Time and Talent
We appreciate your non-monetary gifts as well! Please visit our Volunteer page for more ways that you can contribute to our spiritual community, or contact our office at info@unitytraversecity.org or call 231-938-9587.