Board of Trustees Nominees


We will hold a Board of Trustees election at our upcoming Membership Meeting. All Unity of Traverse City members will have an opportunity to vote on incoming board members. To learn more about the 2025 nominees, click on each name below.

Incoming Nominee Pictures and Bios

Anne Walker


I moved to Traverse City in 2008.  I initially became a member of Unity of Traverse City in 2010 and my membership was renewed in 2023.  I am currently the Angel Team coordinator and the birthday card coordinator.  Some of my values include staying healthy in mind, body, and spirit; being optimistic and hopeful; being encouraging and supportive to others; living a vegan lifestyle; and saving farm animals.  I enjoy being outdoors in nature, yoga, meditation, folk music, contra dancing, and films.  And I love the Detroit Tigers!   I am looking forward to serving on the Board of Trustees so I can share all of this with my Unity family! 


Meg Gray


I am excited to be running as a candidate for the UTC Board of Trustees. I like the direction that we as a congregation are heading and I would be honored to be a part of the team leading us forward.   

In the fall of 2004 I drove from Grayling for 7 weeks to attend the “Keys to the Kingdom” class. It was the beginning of my UTC journey.  I became a member shortly after that and served a 3-year term on the Board beginning in the mid 2000’s.  It was a challenging time for UTC and It initiated me into the inner world and inner workings of UTC.  

My daughter challenged me to clarify my intention for running for the board.  It made me stop and examine my intentions a little deeper.  UTC is my home and family.  It is an amazing spiritual center that strives to offer us avenues to deepen our spirituality and connect with other like-minded folks.  I am excited and motivated to be a part of this thriving energetic community in ways that benefit not only myself but, but everyone who enters our doors.  And in all honesty-  I want to serve while I am still able and have the energy and clarity to do so.   I recognize that boards and their members are here to serve their constituents.  I do that by observing and by listening to you share your ideas as well as your concerns.  

Over the years I have served on other boards in addition to the UTC Board of Trustees:

Michigan Counseling Association Board

Michigan School Counselors Board

River House Shelter Board- Grayling, Mi-  A Women’s shelter.   

I spent several years as a school counselor- all levels- and after retiring from the school system in 2006 I opened a private counseling practice.  As a therapist, I always strived to see both the bigger picture as well the important details.  These skills have served me well in many areas of my life.


Returning Nominee Pictures and Bios

Mollie Dabell


I was born and raised in Lansing, Michigan before moving to southern California for 14 years.  My husband, Rick, and I retired to the Traverse City area in 2016.  I have been attending Unity of Traverse City since that time and have served in numerous volunteer positions, including one previous term on the Board of Trustees.  I have been a member of different Unity churches for over 30 years.  I am a social worker by profession and for most of my career worked in the mental health field.  In retirement, I am enjoying various volunteer activities, as well as outdoor recreational activities, gardening, and reading.  My daughter lives in Portland, Oregon and we look forward to spending more time with her now that travelling is returning to normal.  We also have two cats who bring us much joy and entertainment. 


Maryann Caccaiglia


Over 40 years ago, I learned of Unity when I was part of a 12-step program. I attended Jack Boland’s Church of Today and became an avid reader of Unity publications and books.  Daily Word was my constant companion.  When I moved to Traverse City in 1982, I located a study group based on Unity principles which was in the process of incorporating as a church.  I was fortunate to become one of the founding members of Unity of Traverse City.  


For the past 10 years, I have served as a Prayer Chaplain, usher/greeter, and facilitator/participant in numerous book studies and discussions. My passion for all animals, and the teachings of Charles Fillmore which addresses our relationship to them, lead me to organize the Compassionate Choices group here at Unity. I care deeply about all beings, human and non-human, and want to help bring a message of peace and healing to my community.


Unity is my spiritual home.  Prayer and meditation are central to my life. Like others, I strive to live Truth principles each day to the best of my understanding.  As a member of the Board, my intention and hope is to serve this church family and to spread our message of spiritual awakening and transformation to the community at large